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Joint statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Rachid Bladehane, Permanent Representative of Algeria in Geneva, on behalf of Cambodia, Colombia, Denmark, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, South Africa, Thailand, Türkiye, United kingdom and Zambia , Mr. President,I am pleased to deliver this statement on behalf of Cambodia, Colombia, Denmark, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, South Africa, Thailand, Türkiye, United kingdom and Zambia and my own country Algeria.

Anti-personnel mines blatantly violate human rights. Beyond the right to life, which is inviolable, they similarly undermine the right to health and education and prevent communities from accessing essential resources, such as food and water. The degradation of explosive ordnance can cause contamination of soil or groundwater, trigger forest fires and generally harm the environment. No state has any justification for using these weapons, which are inherently indiscriminate and cause disproportionate harm.

These lingering remnants of past and recent conflicts, continue to pose a threat to human life and impede sustainable development. Annually, a high number of casualties is caused by anti- personnel mines, innocent lives are lost, families are torn apart, and entire communities are thrust into despair.

In numerous affected areas by this scourge, survivors of mine explosions with disabilities endure profound physical and psychological wounds. They frequently encounter significant barriers in accessing essential medical care, rehabilitation services, and social reintegration opportunities. Their struggle highlights the broader impact of mines on the promotion and protection of economic, social, and cultural rights.

Women, and children, who are often the most vulnerable, are particularly at risk in mine- affected areas. The presence of mines impedes access to education, health care, and opportunities for cultural and economic participation, perpetuating cycles of poverty and exclusion.

Today, we implore the international community to intensify its efforts to eliminate anti- personnel mines and ensure support and full and equal inclusion of survivors and victims. We urge all UN member states to:

1. Reinforce our commitment to relevant international treaties and unite in the pursuit of a mine-free world, including through the ratification and implementation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

2. Accelerate demining efforts and ensure comprehensive victim assistance,

3. Collaborate closely with international organizations, civil society and other partners to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in demining and victim support.

4. Promote education and awareness regarding the dangers of landmines.

In conclusion, our responsibility extends beyond preventing conflicts to addressing the damage they cause. Anti-personnel mines represent a tragic legacy that we must eradicate. Upholding human dignity demands that we act with determination and compassion to ensure a future where no one falls victim to these inhumane weapons.

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